Thursday, May 20, 2010

our crazy lives..

Oh life why can't you be easy??
Dustin has gotten soo clingy, If
he know's I am in the room he screams
till i hold him, he barely let's nate
hold him. He doesn't like to sleep at
night very good.. but plus side he slept
all night last night!! YAY for slee!
Nate is still working, He is working
extremely long hours now, money is good
but it sucks.. He started playing mens
softball in layton at the end of april.
He is suppose to start men's in Tremonton
today, but not looking good cause of this
stupid weather!!
Jackson is getting soo big and talking
so much, some people are amazed at how
clear he talk at 20 months.. We are going
to start potty training him next month..
he tells me when he is peeing in his diaper
so we are going to get him his own potty and
see if he will use it.. hope it goes well.
Dustin is now almost 2 months!! He is such a
chunky little boy, he eats a lot!! It was sad
though, i had to go threw his clothes and put the
New born clothes away.. He is awake a lot now, and
smiling!! He is such a momma's boy which is okay
but not when i want to shower or have some alone time..
I am not going to school at the moment.. Life
got too hetic and i never had any time.. by the time
nate got home, i was exhausted.. and i never had
any quiet time to study or read unless everyone was
asleep, and jackson doesn't like taking naps anymore
so that rarely happened.. But Oh well i guess that's
Me and Nate have talked to the bishop and we are
planning on the temple in November.. We have to do
better about paying our tithing.. Well that is it
for now!! I will try and do better about taking pictures!!

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