Tuesday, April 13, 2010

short update

well nothing really new with us.
I started the new semseter..
yay huh!!
Jax is acting more like he is 2..
the whinning and the screaming!!
deep breaths and church music usually
keep me calm!!
Dustin weighed 7 lbs. 3 ounces at his
2 week check up.. which is good cause he
weighed 6 lbs. 2 ounces when he went in
for his circumcission... he is getting
big well to me anway it was almost 3 weeks
ago that i had him.. which is way crazy..
Nate is still working at JBS!! He is working
so hard and i am soo greaful for that!!
We plan on talking to the bishop on the 25th
about the temple and what we need to do.. and
when we can set a date!!

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