Monday, April 6, 2009

they grow up too fast (its long sorry)

soo i was thinking back into my prego days
when i was soo excited then when i was ready
to be done being huge.. well jk.. i love not being
prego.. but it is just amazing i found out about a
year and 2 months ago that i was pregnant with
jackson.. and now he is teething and starting to
crawl.. i had a dream last night that he was
a teenager and didn't need me anymore.. and
was arguing.. it was sad... but then i woke up to
a sorta normal morning. getting kicked and
wacked by a wide awake baby trying to get
my attention.. thats another thing. you would
think that ifa baby had a tone of toys they would
play and entertain themselves now that jackson
has figured out how to move he goes for things
like the wii remotes.. and crumbs. not only that
he can sit up by himself.. we had to move his play
pen from the bassinett to the playpen. cause it would
have been a matter of time before he tried to pull
himself up and fall.. he does that now too. on anything
he will try and pull himself up... he is such a goof
though.. he shakes his head NO... at anything.. he thinks
he's pretty big!! i will take pictures when he is not soo
cranky.. before it was easy now he tries to move when
you put him somewhere.. its kinda sad.. now i just
have to wait for him walk......... LOL..
WOW ya know you when your a little girl you
always picture yourself being amom.. and you
see the moms that look great.. but you never know
hard it is... it seems easy from ur eyes but then it
hits night time.. and that is when its hard.. cause
you want to sleep!! LOL..the thing is though until now
you never realize how hard it is.. all you notice the fun
you are having and how fast they are growing.. and how
funny they are. when they find something new!!!
You always hear your parents sya.. Ohh my kid got
into everything.. you never ooh he was soo cute.. when
he got into the pots and pans and was banging on them.
or he was soo cute when he got into the powdered sugar
and made a mess. They remember the cute things but never
actually tell you that!! All kids experiment.. I just remember
how much my mom loved me know matter what i did or how
old i was.!! She never put me down.. MY mom is my rolemodel.
and i love her soo much.. She is great!!! Her and my grandma
rosemary were always there.. I know when things get hard
and frustrating what they would tell me.. even before i ask my mom.
all i have to do is breath and everything will be okay..
THanks mom!! I love you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you too, Lou !!

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